If customer plans to use Power Stacking they will also need to order the cable as a spare. To upgrade a “-L” switch, you need to know the number of the ports on the switch and whether you wish to upgrade to IP Base (“-S”) or IP Services (“-E”) feature set. WS-C3750X-48PF-L Catalyst 3750X 48 Port Full PoE LAN Base Product Name Product Description 3750E-IPSLCB-QTY IP Services for Cisco Catalyst 3750-E 24 ports, upgrade from IP Base 3750E48-IPSLCB-QTY IP Services for. The IP Base image feature set includes advanced quality of service (QoS), rate-limiting, access control lists (ACLs), static routing, Routing Information Protocol (RIP) and EIGRP stub routing, capabilities. WS-C3750X-48P-L Catalyst 3750X 48 Port PoE LAN Base The Cisco Catalyst 3750 Series is available with either the IP Base image or the IP Services image. WS-C3750X-24P-L Catalyst 3750X 24 Port PoE LAN Base WS-C3750X-48T-L Catalyst 3750X 48 Port Data LAN Base WS-C3750X-24T-L Catalyst 3750X 24 Port Data LAN Base They do not support Power stacking, so will not ship with a power stacking cable. Substitute ipservices for ipbase where appropriate.

The “-L” switches are LAN Base only, they can ONLY be stacked with other “-L” 3750X switches. conf t license boot level ipservices end license right-to-use activate ipservices acceptEULA wr mem reload Bear in mind you are in breach of Ciscos license terms if you do not own a license. Many Cisco 3750 Series users had the problems that are related to Upgrading the License from IP Base to IP Services on 3750-X Stack.